Friday, July 29, 2016

Back In Time ..... WAY Back !!!

Date:     Pre-History !

A Fatbike Ride To The Beyond:

It looked as though it would rain today, but the urge to ride was strong, and so, Mr. Fatty and I took to the trails. The sky got very dark, the wind blew ....and then ....CRASH ..... lightning struck close by ... too close for comfort, really, so I decided to take cover wherever I could..... Here ....I'll just hop this fence .....

I think the lightning must have struck closer than I thought .... I didn't feel a thing ...
 Once inside the fence, I encountered some tough going ...

 Tall grass like this could hide anything!

 The jungle encroaching everywhere

This almost looks like .......  Yes....  Maybe the Jurassic? I believe it could be ! Can you see the archaic beast peeking around from behind?

 I'm sure gonna try to keep hands and feet tucked in safely!!  At least I have a vehicle as tough as the surroundings! 

NOT ....even !!

Looking more and more prehistoric, I think way off in the distance there might be some bovinasaurus ......

 A trail to the beyond ....

I was amazed at the prehistoric beasts I encountered ...... first, there were some "Assasaurus" .....grazing in the meadow ...

 And then a little further on, I encountered a Velocihopper-bunnisaurus .... 

Not to mention a terrible Pteribeeus ....

Finally, I was able to find my way back to civilization, and was able to jump onto modern transport back to today's world. 

Fortunately .... it was NOT the Hogwarts express, but it was also not a Delorean either, and so my progress forward in time was slow and gave me time to think about writing a blog detailing my amazing experiences. Yes .... time is so irrelevant!!                                The Jurassic signs were part of a display on the grounds of a local church, Life-church,   however, I thought they would make for a fun blog post! Life is too much fun to take seriously .... 

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