Sunday, October 21, 2012

Haunted House Ride

Today was a Blustery Day, and not just for Pooh, but for the entire forty acre woods, all the creatures in it and all the surrounding woods too...... It was blowing so hard I thought I'd better choose a bike that would "stand up to the wind"......

Yes....the touring bike...... a chore to pedal into the wind, but stabil, and low geared for my foray into the wind on the way home. I'm not really sure why I always seem to plan my trips to where I have the strong wind in my face on the way back,  after  I'm already tired, but that seems to be the way I plan things. is getting close to Halloween, and I thought a Halloween theme to my ride today would be fitting. The sky was co-operating as well, as it certainly looked like it would become devastating at any time.

Another good reason to take the tourer, just in case it rained. Besides, I really needed the extra excersize as I've been working long hours all week, and this is only the second ride this week. It does
look like a perfect day to go looking for Haunts however......

It was also a perfect day to catch a few fleeting, still hangin' in there, wildflowers.

There were also Oklahoma Road Hazards ....

Ah, but say..... you promised us GHOSTS....... Well, I did locate a few candidates.....
First one on the list was old, and vacant....but I just couldn't scare up any ghosts

The second was also a good candidate, but alas.... just couldn't find any ghosts willing to come out and play.....

A haunted barn perhaps.......nah, cow ghosts just aren't the same.....

But wait!!!..... What's this? Certainly behind this gate there is a story...... "But Boss, I know you distinctly told me, "measure once and cut twice"..... it still looked too short, so I cut it off again just too be sure, but I made it fit OK...." Surely behind a gate like this, and up the secluded little lane, past the "trespassers will be shot" sign, there must be something REALLY spooky.....

When the Hounds Of The Baskervilles came out to eat me, I knew I was getting close. Ahhhhooooooo ......

And so, my quest for the ultimate Haunted House continued ..... until I found THIS.........

Certainly a house worthy of the "Haunted" moniker. Isn't it amazing what you can find when you are on a bike. Lost in the woods, with a 50's car in the weeds out behind, it probably has ghosts galore. It was sooo haunted in fact, and the ghosts that came out to challenge me were so strong, I barely escaped with my sanity intact. I jumped back on my bike and raced up the road only to hear behind me the wail of the "Headless Bikesman"....gaining on me with every pedal stroke.....oh why.....oh why....didn't I take the fast bike? Alas, there was no escape, and as he overtook me, I heard the swish of the sword through the air, and zip..... I lost my head......

Fortunately for me, after feeling around a bit, I found it........

And so, I was able to continue home without further incident, but hey..... "Mums" the word......

1 comment:

  1. Nice look on going with the black and white for the "Haunted House".
    There are no wild flowers left around here and even the aspen leaves are gone. You show some good gumption to get out in the wind. I rode everyday last week in the wind except for Wednesday when it was just too windy. I could not drum up the motivation to ride yesterday even though it was warm. We are in that time of the year that if it is warm it is because it is windy bringing the warm air in. The wind was not bad but still was blowing plus the fire going on in the Park flared up and it was pretty smoky around here. So, I just worked in the garage on my Univega re-build. Got a lot done on it. It was going to be my winter project but I may get it finished and riding here before Thanksgiving. I'll get out there again for a lunchtime ride today because it is still warm. Today and tomorrow is nice with a weather change on Wednesday for this week.
    I've been riding the Surly exclusively these last few weeks and really enjoying the ride!
    Nice ride write up and pictures!
