Sunday, August 28, 2011

Santa Fe Century



Santa Fe Century

Well, as those of you who have followed me since I first signed on here remember, I have never done a full Century distance on an organized ride...... can't say that any more. 105.76 miles on a tough rugged mountainous ride, mostly over 7000 feet. I chose this one to try for not because I think I'm tough, but because they give you lots of time to finish..... start whenever you like and they sweep the course at 5:30pm. Soooo, I started at 6:30am and soon found out I had a lot of company.


Found these wierd formations about thirty minutes into the ride.


Took a little detour off the main road to take a sight-seeing tour of the historical village of Los Cerrillos, N.M.

Photobucket Photobucket

The Cerrillos Opera House where historians tell it Lilly Langtry once performed. I wonder if that is where Judge Roy Bean fell for her.


Mary's Bar has been in several western movies...... in this case, it has a trusty red steed tied to the hitchin' post out front....


What keeps Los Cerrillos alive today is turquois mining.

Left Los Cerrillos, and headed up the hill three miles to the old coal mining town of Madrid. Madrid was a company town once owned by the Santa Fe to mine out the anthracite coal in the region. After the steam engines died out, the need for coal died, and the town with it. A resurection and re-birth as an artists community followed in recent years. This is 26 miles into the ride, it took one hour twenty minutes to get this far..... the next nine miles by comparison took one and one half hours

Our first rest stop at Madrid


A couple I rode with for a bit...notice the old steamer up top.


New Mexico's finest were in abundance on our parade. This was one of the safest rides I've been on that traveled on major roads. These boys were working hard to keep speed down, and safety up for us. It was most appreciated.


I'll bet I saw 50 of these cars if I saw one. Great job by the New Mexico State Police.

Here is a small group leaving Madrid.


Some remnants of the old "company houses" still occupied.


After Madrid, came the hardest part of the ride, we've had a 18 mph headwind all the way, but only a moderate climb out of Los Cerrillos up to Madrid, now the climb into the mountains start.
This was an unrelenting climb that just kept going up and up for the next seven miles before topping out. After a short steep downhill, it was back up again, another four miles to Golden, N.M.


This is about all there is of Golden.


Another 3 mile climb, and a short downhill and we turned to the east to face our biggest challenge...... Heartbreak Hill. I turned off the main highway, and found my lowest gear, a mile up the road at three miles an hour and we came to our rest stop, just before the real climb started. So, when we started up this.....we had already been climbing what I consider a steep hill.


Not particularly long, but steep enough to have most of us walking. There were a few strong hardy souls who rode all the way up.


Your's truly walked it. I got up about a third of the way, and powered out. I walked up with a girls track and field coach from Texas A&M who powered out about the same place as I did. She and I rode together for many miles after that, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable visit. I have no doubt that the true climbers in our group would have no trouble at all with this hill, and the way to find out is to go to New Mexico next May and try it out! After that hill, we were done with climbing for a while, but as I was to find out later, certainly not all by a long shot. I started having a little cramping problems by the time I got down to Stanley at mile 65, but a couple of Advil took care of that, and by the time I got to Gallisteo, my cramping was over. I really think the cramping was a result of elevation and less oxygen for hard working muscles.The tailwind I thought I'd have after Stanley never materialized, the wind we had from the southeast all morning died to about 8-10, not much help. On the east side of the ride from Stanley back to Santa Fe there was mostly desert and cattle lands, rolling hills from Stanley to Gallisteo.


I'm afraid I found not much to interest me in Gallisteo, except maybe this old adobe...


This was mile 82 and I was starting to get a bit tired by now. But, the next 20 miles looked like this, so if I thought I was tired then, you should have seen me 5 miles from the end.


At the top of that hill came a big surprise, they routed us up onto I-25 for 8 1/2 miles.


I've never ridden on an Interstate before, so it was a new experience, especially one with a 75 mph speed limit....... whiz....whiz. I really thought the climbing was supposed to end when we got on the Interstate.....wrong! More uphill for 5 more miles before topping out. I got within sight of the top and my feet were so sore, I just couldn't press down another pedal stroke, so I stopped on the shoulder of the Interstate, sat down and peeled off my shoes and gave my feet a massage....what a relief! Just about that time, one of the Sag drivers pulled up, called me "old timer" and wanted to put my bike on his rack and take me the five more miles to the end. I told him "Over my dead body, I made it this far, I'm riding in!' He could see I was serious, so he left, and I put my shoes on and left also, finished it up non stop, checked in at the end, then rode the bike back to my motel. It was all over. I did my Century, the first for sure, and most likely the last, but I got ONE in. This was a very well organized ride, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a challenging Century, although not particularly a first Century. Great support, great people, and about 3000 riders to share it with. I'm glad I did it. By the way.....I'm framing my bib number with the mileage on it and putting it up on my diploma wall.
Rikitiki3's profile
104 days ago
Replies 1 - 10 of 11
Another fantastic report. I've driven to Madrid from ABQ. Not sure I could ride that. Congrats on completing that century.
SouthFlorida's profile

3 months ago
Great write up, Riki. I have to say you were in pretty good company with several 'old timers' from the folks I saw coming in across the you-made-it-line!Does an old heart good don't it to see the 'kids' following an 'old timer?'

Personally, I would have that bib matted and framed with this above it:

See you at the Witchita's, Riki!
teesiea's profile

3 months ago
Maybe you should have just punched that guy in the face for calling you "old timer"

I had one of the best milkshakes in the world in Madrid, NM. Probably tasted good because I just climbed up from Cerrillos. That is a big climb up out of Madrid and the time I rode up Heartbreak hill a few years ago I was hike-a-biking to get to the top.

Great ride report with the added side trip into Cerrillos. I'm a little surprised they routed you onto I-25.
Looked like a great weekend with everybody. I would have loved to be there. Our annual fund-raiser golf tournament for high school athletics that I am involved in was successfull, but we played eighteen holes in 36 deg weather with spitting snow and drizzle. That New Mexico sunshine looked much more inviting!!

Big kudos on your century ride Richard....way to go!!
JimBangs's profile

3 months ago
Jim, we had a bunch of fun that weekend, would have had even more if you'd been along.....maybe next time we can all get together. Now at least I know I can handle 7,500 feet, I can probably ride almost anywhere within reason.
Rikitiki3's profile

3 months ago
Jim.....I was so upset by his remark about me being an old timer, I thought..."I'll show you who's old", so I jumped to my feet, told him I'd ride in, started to mount the bike, and then promptly laid the bike back down so I could put my shoes back on........ I refuse to call it a senior moment!
Rikitiki3's profile

3 months ago
This is the fourth year for me to do that ride, and it has always gone along I-25 a short distance.

The old timer remark, bet you weren't the only one to hear it from this person. And, bet he wonders if he will be doing a century----or any bike riding---when he is an 'old timer! I'm going to go out on a limb and say NO. As far as senior moments----I'm just glad to still be having moments!
teesiea's profile

3 months ago
Hey there Riki! That SAG was your cycling angel just giving you a little push to finish by getting your dander up. "Old Timer" indeed! LOL :0) What a glorious ride with good company and extremely beautiful vistas. Jeez, you had it all like a present from the universe. I loved looking at your photos of those hills and imagining riding that route.... The lane for the steepest part of Heart Break Hill seems almost too narrow to navigate on the bike. I think I would have walked it for fear of falling off the bike into the ditch. You could not have picked a better ride to claim as your first century and then some. Thanks for keeping the faith and for sharing! Teesiea's photo of you "thumbs up" says it all. Congrats friend!
thislife's profile

3 months ago can take the whole road, there were a lot of riders zig-zagging back and forth across the road until they gave up. You don't have to stay on the shoulder, nobody did, except us walkers. I'm sure you could make it without any problems. Actually, compared to your Centuries out there, you would probably find this one boring....not enough climbing. That could have been the SAG's incentive for saying that get me up and finish. It didn't really bother me, except to give me something to chuckle about later.
Rikitiki3's profile

3 months ago
Walking up a hill? Been there, done that! One of those times, I heard a creaking noise and wondered what was wrong with my bike. It wasn't the bike, it was my knee!
SouthFlorida's profile

3 months ago
SF....I seem to be hearing more and more of those "creaking noises" anymore, and I know they're not the bike! As far as walking....on that hill, I had no choice. I would have ridden it if I could have, just to say I did. Didn't have the strength or endurance. Had a tough time walking it.
Rikitiki3's profile

Monday, August 8, 2011

Colorado Copper Triangle



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Copper Triangle

When I first heard of this ride, it was because Colorado Cyclist sent me a brochure in the mail around March or April this year describing it, and my first thought was...... wow! What a ride!.... Then, I hapened to notice that it was a ride made expresssly for me, they even held it on my birthday! It was a ride that, even a year ago, I would never have thought about seriously, but, thoughts were creeping into my head. Maybe....... Nah......I'd never be able to handle the altitude ....well ... maybe ..Maybe if I trained really hard, and tried out my luck at a bit lower elevation first. So, I signed up for the Santa Fe Century and managed to complete that one, and was a bit encouraged. Still, I knew I was lacking confidence in my climbing abilities, as well as my high altitude tolerance. I'm not really a climber, so I had many thoughts about this one. Finally, I threw caution to the wind..... sent in my reservation and fee, and decided to get serious about training! This was not exactly a cheap, Oklahoma style ride. I couldn't do much about the altitude training, so I decided to build myself up as much as I could, which is why I rode 3000 miles in the last three months. Finally, on the 3rd of August, I loaded up the car, put the bike on the carrier, and departed for the high country. I had reserved a condo at Copper Mountain ski resort ....I mean, what the hey...... if you're gonna do it, do it right! Here's where I stayed...........


This will be continued in the next comment......
Rikitiki3's profile
3 hours ago
There is a wonderful bike path there that runs all the way from Frisco, Colorado, over the top of Vail Pass, and back into Vail. It's really nice, but I will post that on Biking Trails and get on with the main story here. One quick picture of the bike path before we jump ahead. I had given myself a couple of days to hopefully acclimate myself to the elevation somewhat, after all, Copper was already over 9000 feet. So, Thursday, I rode down to Frisco and back, and Friday, I did the same thing, but this time caught up with another rider, and we chatted as we rode. When we got back to Copper, I asked him how far he was riding, and he replied..... oh, up to the top of Vail........ OK.....want some company? So, I started up the east side of Vail Pass with him.


I was much encouraged with the results, and decided that maybe this was going to be possible after all. I did notice all the out of shape people coming down, whole touristy families, kids, Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpas..... and not very skilled at bike handling, in fact a couple of them ran off the trail right in front of me, fortunately up-slope and not down. So, I asked my new found friend about it, and he told me.... they rent the bikes at the resort, and the resort shuttles them to the top of the pass, and down they come! He cautioned me to be careful on this bike path. Anyway.....on with the main ride!!!
August 6th dawned with me already on the road, having set out at 5:30 in the pre-dawn chill. Front and rear lights on my bike and the Colorado State Patrol allowed me on the road. I wasn't the only one, there being a number of early risers who wanted a jump on the day. I was sure that I would be the last one in anyway. So, starting out, and up from the bottom of Fremont Pass.


The camera tried to make this into day, but if you notice, everyone coming down had lights on. This was my first climb of the day...... right out of the sack. Twelve miles up to the summit. Beautiful scenery all the way up...... I had such a hard time deciding on pictures to post.


Twelve miles..... there were times I wondered if I was going to get there. Not particularly steep, but somewhat relentless in it's steady uphill climb. I was able to keep my breathing in check by spinning easily in a lower gear, and not exerting myself any more than I had to. Slow and steady get's the job done. I didn't know it at the time, but this was to be a cake-walk compared to what was coming after. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, but in reality was only about an hour and a half...... I arrived!


The temperature had dropped a few degrees and I noticed a bit of frost on the signs at the summit. I really didn't have enough clothes on! I had my shorts, jersey, Santa Rosa vest, windbreaker and short fingered gloves. Shoulda had way more!. I really hate stuffing stuff in my jersey pocket when it warms up however, and going down the rode looking like a bicycling Michelin Man. So, started down the south side of the pass toward Leadville in the cold. That side of the pass was all in the shade, and I was shaking so badly from the cold I was having trouble controlling the bike. was 110 the last two months in Oklahoma! So, while I would have liked to turn it loose and swoop down the pass, I found the wind chill to be unbearable at any speed over 25. I held it in check and even then had to stop when I broke out into a little sun so I could stop shaking. Finally, down at Leadville, things were looking a bit better, sun was up, air temperature was warming, and I took a little warm up break at the junction of 91 and 24.


Once again, the scenery of the area impressed this flatlander.


Now, came the second climb for the day. Going north on Hwy 24 soon brought us to the base of Tennessee Pass, and by now, the rest of the crowd had caught up. There were 3000 riders on the ride, and I think they were all around me by then. It was so hard to stop without being run over, but even harder to find a gap to get started again once you got your picture.


Tennessee Pass proved to be rather tame compared to Fremont, but you still knew you were going up. Not as long or as steep in places, but a good climb none-the-less. Finally topping out.... I waylaid a young lady by the sign and asked her to take my photo.


She was happy to, and did a great job. So....second pass down, and only 8:30am. I got to talking with the young woman who took my picture, and told her I was a flatlander and wasn't really a confident descender, so she took me under her wing so to speak and decided to give me a good lesson on mountain riding. She said....."follow me".....and off the top we went. A couple of tight bends at the top, and the rest of the rest of the long descent was fairly straight. By the time we got down to Camp Hale, we were zipping along at around 43 mph when I had courage enough to look down at the speedo. I stayed eight to ten feet behind her all the way down, and did exactly what she did. She was indeed an accomplished mountain rider. A lucky choice for a teacher for me. We stopped at the Camp Hale overlook for a couple of minutes in order to let my nerves calm down a bit.....


For those who are not familiar with Camp Hale.... it was the U.S. Army's high altitude training camp during WW2. All there is left now is a few foundations and concret structures. Anyway, we stayed there a couple of minutes and started on down again to Red Mountain where it sort of leveled out again for a bit. Then we rounded a curve and saw the beginnings of Battle Mountain. Whoa!!!! This was totally unexpected. I knew about the three passes, but now one told me anything about this! The steepest climb yet, and totally unrelenting for five, tough miles. This is the start, if you look hard, you can see riders up on the cut. This just kept going up, and turning another corner, and up some more, and another corner.....etc....


Finally, I reached the top, a bit out of breath, but not really having any problems. I figured I had lost my wonderful descending coach, but there she was at the top waiting on me! She let me rest a few minutes before plunging off the top again. This one was steep and long, many sharp curves, and a couple of hairpins down near the bottom. A very fast descent, but we kept it down to 35 or so for most of it. There were lots of guys going down both of these grades (Tennessee and Battle Mt.) at 50 to 60mph. Not this old man! Anyway, we rolled into Minturn and I moved up alongside her for a bit and complimented her on her skills. She smiled and replied....... "yeah, and we both still have all our teeth too". I lost her in some traffic going through Minturn and never saw her again the rest of the ride. At I-70, we turned onto the bike path and started toward the town of Vail, made a short stop at the west Vail rest stop to grab a banana and a snack, and started up the toughest climb of the whole route. Vail Pass was uphill from the Minturn Junction for 22 miles to the top. Three thousand vertical feet of climbing in 22 miles.
At every town, and every turn, I was surprised at the support this ride has gotten from local police who stopped traffic to let us by.


Now....the tough part begins. This hill required many Kodak moments to climb.


But the scenery was awesome, so I didn't mind. I wasn't racing anybody anyway.


We just kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing.....and I really thought at times there was no end. In fact, it was working on me so much that if there would have been a guy in robes standing out there with a sign saying "The End Is Near" I would have known it was mine! Finally, more or less topping out at Black Lake, there was only a short little climb to the summit after that. Believe me, the west side of Vail is many, many times harder than the east.


Finally, the last little climb over the top. There was a time when I really never thought there was a top! The last three miles I was very tired, and having problems with maintaining the desire to finish, in fact, if there would have been a SAG wagon, I might have caved. But, this being a bike SAG's! Unfortunately.....there is no sign announcing the summit on the bike path, so this will have to do.


This is the last rest stop ...... the top of Vail Pass. I had run out of water..... emptied both bottles as I was going by Black Lake. I had filled both at the east Vail rest stop just before the hard part of the climb began. I was glad to see the summit rest stop. They had it in the State rest area for the Interstate. From the time I started east from the Minturn Junction, it took me three long hard hours to the top.


Now....a zip down the bike path back to Copper, under the "finish" sign....... and it was over!


I was elated that I had accomplished this ride as it was indeed a temendous challenge for me. On the other hand, I was so very tired, and sore from head to foot. I finished the ride at 1:30pm.....a total of 7 hours on the road for the 80 miles. The ride was billed as 6000 feet of total climbing and I felt every one that evening. A post ride massage helped bunches after I settled my breathing and heart rate down a bit. Would I do it again? Maybe, if I was ten years younger..... but I really think I'm glad I did this now, instead of waiting another year. Probably wouldn't have then. It was a great ride, but expect a tough ride if you want to do this one. I'll have some great memories though for the rest of my life. Not an epic ride like RDW's Wyoming Tour, not a test of strength like Jim Bang's epic tour across the top of the rockies, and not even an excursion that rivalled TL's Wild Ride in the High Sierra's, but for this old man, a ride to remember.
Three big mountain passes, and don't forget Battle Mountain...... all in all, a great ride. My bithday present to myself..... and a great Birthday it was.
Rikitiki3's profile

about 2 hours ago
Awesome photos! & happy birthday! Looks like a fabulous ride.
mrschris's profile

about 1 hour ago
What a grand accomplishment! Congratulations. Love the pictures. Thank you.
kowboy83's profile

33 minutes ago
What an adventure! Great photos as usual.
SouthFlorida's profile

1 minute agonew

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